Friday, June 12, 2015

3 Ways to Find Time to Read in the Summer and What I'm Reading Right Now

In my dreams on my the back yard swing, reading till my hearts content. I can see myself with my head on a fluffy pillow while I'm leisurely sipping a glass of iced tea.  I can also feel a warm breeze that is gently rocking the swing as I flip the pages. What a wonderful, wonderful dream.

If I get lucky, sometimes my dream comes true but believe me it doesn't happen has much as I would like.  Life can get really busy around here with projects, gardens, and garage sales to go to! There can be no time to just sit and enjoy reading a great book without feeling a little guilty about it.  That guilt can just zap the fun right out of it.

So here are my 3 Ways to Find Time to Read in the Summer (without feeling guilty):

1.   When it Rains- Before you get all upset that it's raining, take advantage of it and relax with a book.  The sky is overcast and the garden is wet today so I plan on enjoying this afternoon reading a great book.

 2.   Vacations- I'm an early bird no matter where I'm at and I hate to disturb people that may still be sleeping.  I read quietly in the bed till I hear the the rest of the house getting up.   

Life saving tip:  In order not to disturb my husband I leave my kindle or book by the bedside so it's readily available for me to quietly pick up.  He tends to wake up if I start rummaging through the suitcases. I also try to wait till the sun comes up or go under the covers .... that kindle light can be bright.

3.   While the children/grandchildren are taking a nap.   I always feel kind of stuck with nothing to do when they are taking a nap.   You can't go outside and you don't want to make too much noise in the kitchen.  You want to make sure the little one gets enough sleep!  

There is the chance you take by doing this.. they may wake up right at the most interesting part of the book. Yes, yes, the beautiful granddaughter of mine did!

What I'm reading today while it rains:

Hearts of the West: A Christian Histo...

I'm back to reading the Hearts of the West collection again today. So far I've finished three books out of 6.  Including Sussette Williams Jessie's Bride (loved this novelette) and today I'm reading a great book in the collection called Charity's Gold Rush.  I'll be writing reviews for these next week.   What a great deal for only .99! 

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This post has been linked to Small Victories Sunday at Being Fibro Mom, Motivation Monday at Life in the Balance, Think and Make Thursday at Kearney Ideas for the Home, Thrifty Thursday at the Thrifty Couple, Our Simple Homestead Hop,  The (not just) Homemaking Party at Hope in Every Season,  From the Farm Hop at the Homesteading Hippy,

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